How to Get More Control Over Your Business - The Good Kind


Control is an important topic for high-performing consultants, because if you feel out of control, or you control the wrong things, you can end up feeling uncertain, disappointed, or unfulfilled.  

We can only control so many things in our lives, right? But what things should we focus on that will make us feel MOST happy, alive and fulfilled? We'll try three... 

- Control Your Outlook and Character 

- Control for New 

- Control for Fulfillment  

Many people don’t feel fulfilled with what they are doing because they (a) don’t choose to do it in the first place, or (b) don’t get to be involved in the full process of creating something—they aren’t involved beginning to end so they never experience the joy of completion or accomplishment. 

We begin changing this here.


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4 Ways to Increase Trust

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How to gain eight more hours per week for your dreams


Are you a person who could get so much more done if you had enough time?

In this short video, I am sharing with you a very simple strategy to gain eight more work hours per week without taking them away from quality time.

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The #1 reason why you are not more productive


I have learned from coaching a wide variety of people, from CEO to interns, that the hardest workers often feel overwhelmed, NOT because they cannot set priorities, but because they have too many competing interests.

They want to make one more important call or finish one last task before they go home. But that extra effort comes at a cost, like spending quality time with kids before bedtime.

Or they skip the gym to accommodate a key client, but when they do this too often, they stress over their overall health or weight gain.

All four interests are equally important: Bringing in the money, making clients happy, staying vibrant and healthy, and connecting with the kids. 

The reality is that there are only so many hours in a day. And overwhelm or a sense of being overloaded set in when we overspend them at work.

These feelings are signals that prompt you to reevaluate what is most important to you. Every emotion is a call to action.

When you feel overwhelmed or overloaded, your...

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5 Questions to Find Your Best Answers to Your Toughest Life Problems


Have you ever scratched your head or pushed your fingertips into the creases of your forehead and thought to yourself: 'I need to figure out? How can I get out of this mess?' 

When that happened did you ever come up with the best solution? Or just 'a' solution that would kind of do?

If you experienced more like the latter, then you have already learned that you cannot come up with the best answers in a stressed state of mind. We come up with the best solutions when we are at our best.

Here are five questions that you can ask yourself, your friends, clients, kids, partners, or stakeholders at any time to use the power of a positively charged mindset and turn around any situation.

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4 Habits of High Performing Sales People


Let's face it. When you start and have your own business, you will need to learn how to sell. So sales = no income.

But have you ever taken a sales course or even hired someone to do the sales for - and it did not work out? The leads and sales just did not come in?

Then maybe it is not about what you have learned, but how intentional you are about your social environment, how you condition yourself for success, what motivates you and which actions you take and won't.

Sales legend Greg Rosner, CEO of and I share strategies to overcome daily struggles in growing our businesses and how to develop a winning mindset.

Enjoy the show and stay amazing.

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