Skill up, level up, and lead to protect your future

This picture was taken five years ago at the Beijing International Trade Fair. I may not ever again fly to China in a world that has completely gone virtual in just a few weeks.

Since the COVID-19 began, I have spoken with business leaders from all around the world from billionaires to small business owners and thriving solopreneurs.

None of them have experienced any drop in income since the global shutdown. Most have grown their mailing lists, sold more products or services. And they all agreed on the one thing that we all now need to implement in our companies and lives.

This is an urgent time to SKILL UP and ADD VALUE to others virtually right now.

What we have learned from the global financial crisis in 2008/9 and the burst of the dotcom bubble in the late 90s is: Companies and people who withdrew and contracted took longer to recover and experienced a much slower rise when the crisis was over than they could have.

I'm worried about people who are going to get left behind if...

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